ANTS confirmed for Arche Noah online webinar on Seeds Patents, 19 December 2024

We are very happy to announce that we’ve been confirmed for another webinar with Arche Noah about Seeds Patents, happening on December 19th 2024. Duration of the webinar will be 2 hours.

We’ll be providing Simultaneous Interpretation from and into FR, EN and DE.

The event is organized by Arche Noah, an organization based in Austria working on cultivated biodiversity and the topic to be discussed will be the Impact of Seeds Patents on Farmers. It is not a public webinar, but has the target group of people working in farmers’ movements and NGOs working on patents/GMOs/agriculture policy in Europe.

” Patents on plants and seeds have always been controversial, linked to the advent of biotechnology and its increased use in agriculture. In contrast to plant breeders’ rights, plant patents cannot be confined to a single variety as a rule of thumb, and thus cover multiple varieties. 


The webinar will start by taking stock of existing patents in agriculture, examining what types of patents are granted (“patentability”) and the prerogatives that are attached to them (“scope of protection”). “

Update 20 December 2024

The Interpreters selected for this online event were:

FR-EN Booth: Marcella Segre and Sedef Atam

DE-EN Booth: Sophia Erben and Interpreter 4

Thanks to all the interpreters for their solidarity participation !

ANTS confirmed for Online Workshop on EU Seed Marketing Reform, 17-18 October 2024, with ArcheNoah, Let’s Liberate Diversity, The Geneva Academy

We announce that we have been confirmed for Interpreters Coordination for the “Online Workshop on EU Seed Marketing Reform”, organized by the Austria based Arche-Noa, the Geneva Academy of International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights, with the support of EC-LLD, happening online the 17th and 18th of October 2024.

The aim of this activity is to support the involvement of small organizations and grassroots movements in the policy-making process regarding seed policy and legislation. This workshop aims at building their capacity and awareness on the ongoing process of seed marketing reform, which will have a great impact on biodiversity and seed exchange in Europe and beyond.

The workshop will last 4 hours both on the 17th and the 18th, and we will be providing Simultaneous Interpretation Coordination for 2 Booths, FR and DE, with an English Pivot.