ANTS @ Sème ta Resistance, Antibes (France), 3-5 October 2024

Our participation it’s been recently confirmed, so we’re very honored and happy to participate in this amazing conference !

The International Farmer Seed Gathering “Sow your Resistance” is organized by the French
Farmer Seed Network
, SOL Alternatives Agroécologiques et Solidaires, the Maralpine Community Seed Bank and Let’s Liberate Diversity.

The event will be composed of workshops and plenary sessions in Antibes (France).

These sessions will address the technical, environmental, social, political, and legal aspects of farmer seeds.

The week will culminate in a festive day dedicated to raising public awareness about the vital connection between agriculture and our food systems, underscoring the importance of cultivated biodiversity.

You can find more information on the event here.

Specifically, we will be in charge of coordinating the Team of at least 14 Interpreters leading up and during the event, and also of setting up the Interpreting technology for 4 languages (FR-EN-IT-ES), 3 booths in the Plenary Room, and 3 languages, 2 booths in 2 Workshop Rooms (FR-EN-IT and FR-EN-ES respectively).

You can also have a look here below at the Call for Interpreters

Can’t wait to be there !

ANTS @ Anti Mega-Bassines, Melle (Poitou, France), 16-21 July 2024

We announce that we have been confirmed for the gathering in Poitou, the International Water Village for the defense of Water and Soils, that will be the preparation of massive days of actions the 19th and 20th July 2024.

So we will do our part by setting up the Interpreting Technologies during the camp that will be held in Melle, Poitou (France) for the mobilization against the Mega-Bassines to be held from 16th to 21st of July 2024.

We will be setting up the Plenary Space, with 4 cabins and 5 languages (FR-DE-ES-IT-EN) for the many thousand of people expected !

Can’t wait to be there !

ANTS @ Conférence Ban Fossil Ads – 22-24 mars à Bruxelles


Du 22 au 24 mars, environ 70 personnes, issues de la lutte contre le système publicitaire et la promotion des énergies fossiles, se sont réunies à Bruxelles pour la deuxième édition de la conférence Ban Fossil Ads (interdire les publicités pro-énergies fossiles).

An article in English:

Un articolo in Italiano:

Photo de groupe pendant la conférence Ban Fossil Ads à Bruxelles en mars 2024, dans les locaux de Namahn.
Photo de groupe pendant la conférence Ban Fossil Ads à Bruxelles en mars 2024, dans les locaux de Namahn.

Venu·e·s de France, de Belgique, d’Allemagne, des Pays-Bas, du Royaume-Uni, d’Autriche, de Suisse, du Danemark, du Portugal, d’Italie ou encore du Canada et de l’Australie, les participant·e·s ont eu l’opportunité de s’inspirer mutuellement de leurs luttes locales et nationales, d’effectuer des ateliers théoriques et pratiques, et d’envisager comment porter plus loin les revendications de ces mouvements contestataires. Ce mélange culturel a été permis en grande partie grâce à la présence d’interprètes du collectif ANTS (AlterNative Technology Systems).

Interprètes et matériel du collectif de traduction ANTS, conférence Ban Fossil Ads, Bruxelles, 2024.
Interprètes et matériel du collectif de traduction ANTS.
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ANTS @ Ban Fossil Advertising Conference, Bruxelles (Belgium), 22-24 march 2024

Hi there!

We are participating in this amazing conference that aims to reduce and finally ban every fossil advertising.
Many victories has been achieved already, as in many cities around the globe we can see the reduction on bad adverts, or even just the reduction of advertising billboards in general, but the road to the victory is still long and tortuous.

See the previous conference article here (Amsterdam 3-5 March 2023).

We have been setting up the whole Sound and Simultaneous Interpretation infrastructure, including the coordination of the Interpreters, so that this conference could be held in both English and French. About a hundred people participated over the three days from all places in the world.

See related article: ANTS @ Conference Ban Fossil ADV