
(page under construction, sorry for the incompleteness: it’s a very long task to collect all the events I participated in over 15 years 🙂 )

The list that follows is the – uncompleted – list of events in which I participate being in charge of some or all of the activities that then became the foundations of the ANTS project: Simultaneous Interpreting Technologies, Interpreters Coordination and Sound Equipment for events and conferences.

So, the list as said is probably incomplete as some events were lost in time 🙂

As you can read in the first post of the blog, ANTS was officially born around summer 2023, so all the previous events to that date were events in which I was working with a previous project.

Nevertheless, you will find here all the events in which ANTS will be participating in the future.

———> And now down with the list !


  • 26-30 May 2025, LUSH Spring Prize Final Events and Official Celebration, Dorset, UK (2 venues, 3 rooms, EN-SP-PTbr-AR-MY-KO)





  • 8-19 November 2021, Agroecology Europe Forum 2021, Barcelona, Cataluña, Spain (2 rooms, CA-ES-EN)
  • 25 October – 3 November 2021, Urgenci, Decolonize your plate – Amazonize the world – International Symposium of Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) and URGENCI General Assembly (online) (EN-FR-ES-PTbr-ZH)
  • 23-29 October 2021, LUSH Spring Prize 2021, (online) (EN-ES-PTbr-FR-IT-KO-JA-AM-SW-AR)
  • May, July, September, October, November, December 2021, ECLLD Right to seed, Farmer’s rights, Seed Policy, (online) (IT-ES-FR-EN)
  • 8 July 2021, AWS (online) (ES-EN)
  • 24, 30 June, 1,7,13 July, Agter (online) (FR-EN)
  • 7-13 January 2021, ORFC 2021, (online) (PTbr-ES-EN-IT-FR-ID)


  • 25-28 June 2020, Barcelona (Spain), FSMET 2020 (4 rooms, EN-ES-FR-IT)


  • 7-12 December 2019, Madrid, Counter-summit COP25 (2 venues, 11 rooms, EN-ES)
  • November 2019, Meze (France), RSP (Reseau Semence Paysanne) (1 room, EN-ES-FR)
  • October 2019, Palma de Mallorca (Spain), Artistas (1 room, EN-ES)
  • 25 August – 2 September 2019, Harare (Zimbabwe), LVC (La Via Campesina) Midterm Conference (1 plenary with EN-ES-FR-PT-KO-TH-JA and other 6 languages, 5 rooms with 4 languages)
  • 3-11 August 2019, Leipzig (Germany), Klimacamp (1 room, EN-DE-FR-ES)
  • 12-14 July 2019, Barcelona (Spain), Stay Grounded – Aviation Degrowth (4 rooms, EN-ES-CA)
  • 19-22 May 2019, London (UK), LUSH Spring Prize 2019 (2 rooms, EN-ES-IT)
  • 5-7 April 2019, Barcelona (Spain), FSMET 2019 (7 rooms, EN-ES-FR-CA)
  • March 2019, Barcelona (Spain), eQualitie (1 room ES-EN)


  • 30 November – 2 December 2018, Freiburg (Germany) KTS, Antirepression International Gathering (2 rooms, EN-FR)
  • 9-11 November 2018, Thessaloniki (Greece), Urgency General Assembly, 7th International CSA Symposium (4 rooms, ES-FR-EN-GR-TK-KO)
  • 7 October, Bayonne (France), Alternatibas (1 room, ES-FR)
  • 13-19 August, Rhineland (Germany), Climate Camp (1 room, EN-FR-DE)
  • 28 July – 2 August, Leipzig (Germany), Summer School and KlimaKamp (2 rooms, EN-ES-FR-DE)
  • 14-16 May 2018, LUSH Spring Prize Final Events and Official Celebration, Emerson College, East Sussex, UK (2 rooms, EN-SP-PTbr-HT)
  • 16-20 April 2018, Seoul (South-Korea), LVC CCI meeting, (2 rooms, EN-ES-FR-KO-PTbr)
  • 17-18 March 2018, La Hague (Holland), TNI Conference (1 room, EN-ES-TK-TH)
  • February 2018, Marbella (Spain), Encuentro LVC (1 room, 5 languages)
  • 19-20 January 2018, Barcelona (Spain) CCCB, Europa en Movimiento (1 room, EN-FR-PT-ES-AR)


  • 3 November 2017, Bonn (Germany),







